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December 2021 Report

We have continued to meet fortnightly apart from the evening of Monday 1 November when the village in which our clubroom is located was without power following high winds and power cables down. At least, unlike the aftermath of Storm Arwen, power was restored to the village within a day.… Read More »December 2021 Report

Chitterne platform

Lawrie has kindly supplied the photos below showing the fantastic progress he has made with the platform complete with an excellent horticultural display. Unfortunately, as it remains impossible for more than half the team to attend on any one evening due to a combination of Covid and injury, we haven’t… Read More »Chitterne platform

Chitterne progress

Our first meeting after the festive period with the hope that we would be able to bring both Chitterne baseboards together and see how they looked. Unfortunately, Chris H who has the right hand board with the platform and goods siding was unable to attend due to a family member testing… Read More »Chitterne progress

September 2021 Report

Following the easing of Government restrictions we have returned to our (more or less) fortnightly meetings. Most members have attended at some stage and there has been much catching up of personal experiences in recent months. The test track has been brought back to life and has seen a variety… Read More »September 2021 Report

Chitterne Station Building

Progress with our Chitterne layout continues to inch forwards. Progress has been rather slow over the summer due to a combination of holidays and work commitments but we hope that with the evenings drawing in members will be hunched over their work benches producing the numerous items required. Lawrie R… Read More »Chitterne Station Building

June 2021 Report

Step 3 of the Government’s road map, Monday 17 May, coincided with a possible Group meeting. Mike H checked that we could gain access to our club rooms, and eleven members duly gathered. Although it was about a year since most of us had met, we carried on where we… Read More »June 2021 Report