Improving a Hornby Ruston
In another example of “Stuck at home hiding from Coronavirus” progress, Clive H has shared this photo of his excellently weathered Hornby Ruston which he is also re-wheeling.
In another example of “Stuck at home hiding from Coronavirus” progress, Clive H has shared this photo of his excellently weathered Hornby Ruston which he is also re-wheeling.
With all group activities forestalled and everyone trapped at home, there is plenty of time to press on with modelling projects. In the first of an occasional series which we might call “How my railway has benefited from Covid-19” we hear from Richard P about his recent modelling activities. The lockdown… Read More »Modelling under ‘Lockdown’
This club evening took the form of a tutorial during which Mike demonstrated how best to mount and quarter driving wheels and how to use the club’s chassis alignment tool. This handy frame is invaluable for accurately aligning axle mounts and horn blocks in engine chassis and is available for… Read More »Wheel Quartering and Chassis Alignment
Our second group evening of the year was a collective wagon building event. About a dozen members attended and the majority brought with them a wagon kit. Some had not yet been started whilst others were nearing completion. Whilst most were 4mm, there was also a 2mm example and one… Read More »Wagon Building Evening